Saturday, February 14, 2009

Questions of the week! Malory's Le Morte Darthur

Q1. In the penultimate tale, do we see a growing unease among the knights at the apparent openness of Lancelot and Guinevere's relationship? If so, how does Malory direct our reading of this.

Q2. Discuss the significance of the Sir Urry episode in the penultimate tale.

Q3. At the beginning of the final tale, can we, in any way, understand the actions of Mordred and Agravain? Is there a difference between the Knight's pentecostal oath and another social code of behaviour which favours silence? Does it illustrate the irreconcilable conflicts self-evident in the Knight's oath?

Q4. Discuss the ending of Malory's text. Who is blamed for the downfall of the Round Table? Discuss his treatment of the lovers, and also Arthur's death.

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